
Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 7: Sentence Structure Practice Exercises

For revision, complete the following exercise from your textbook "Towards Better English Grammar", pages 181 until 195.  There will be a test before the mid-semester break.

11.1   Basic sentence structure

A   Writing a sentence

B   Noun phrases and verb phrases

Practice 1 (pg. 181) - Identifying noun phrases and verb phrases.

C   Subjects and Verbs

Practice 2 (pg. 182) - Subjects and verbs (verb phrase)

Practice 3 (pg. 182) - Recognizing a sentence

D   Objects

Practice 4 (pg. 183) - Recognizing objects of verbs

E   Joining sentences with and, but, so

11.2   Making longer sentences: Using because, although, however, etc.

A   Making longer sentences

Practice 1: Recognizing parts of a long sentence (pg. 184)

B   Subordinate clauses: putting one sentence inside another sentence

C   Position of subordinate clauses

Practice 2: Recognizing a subordinate clause (pg. 185)

D   Formal joining words which begin a new sentence

Practice 3: Matching and joining sentences (pg. 185)

11.3   Relative clauses (1): Using who, which and whose

A   What is a relative clause?

Practice 1 - Find relative clauses in sentences (pg. 186)

B   who and which

Practice 2 - Choose who or which (pg. 186)

Practice 3 - Notes expansion using whose (pg. 187)

Practice 4 - Correcting mistakes in sentences with 'extra pronouns'. (pg. 187)

Practice 5 - Making sentences more formal by adding who or which.

11.4 Relative clauses (2): Special problems

A   Using whom

Practice 1 - Changing formal sentences to informal English by using who and moving the preposition. (pg. 188)

Practice 2 - Adding whom to change informal sentences into formal English. (p. 189)

B   Relative clauses with that

Practice 3 - Completing sentences by adding a relative clause with that. (pg. 190)

C   Punctuation Problem:  ‘extra information’ clauses

Practice 4 -  Adding commas to :  ‘extra information’ sentences.  (pg. 190)

11.5 Conditions:  Using if and unless

A   Introduction to the use of if and unless

B   Using  unless

Practice 1  -  Fill in the blanks with if or unless.  (pg. 191)

C   ‘Open’ conditions

Practice 2  -   Fill in the blanks with verbs in the correct form for sentences about possible situations.  (pg. 192)

D   Imaginary conditions

Practice 3  -   Fill in the blanks with verbs in the correct form for sentences about untrue or imaginary situations.  ((pg. 193)

11.6  Parallel constructions

A   Joining word and sentences with and

Practice 1  -  Identify  and correct mistakes in sentences.  (pg. 194)

B   More complicated sentences with and

Practice 2  -  Complete sentences in own words. (pg. 195)

C   Other joining words which need good parallel constructions

Practice 3  -  Complete sentences in own words.   (pg. 195)

1 comment:

  1. i do the exercise in the blue book....i'm not understand practice 4, page 190....i read that note, and try to understand but i can't..i read at the answer page, also not i can understand?can explain to me about that practice?
